Through tea, we awaken to the truth that we are interconnected with all other beings on our planet Earth.

Our Philosophy

The design of our name and logo is inspired by an age-old Chinese idiom, “天人合一” (Tian Ren He Yi), meaning Oneness with the Universe.

When we, as humans, become one with our Universe, we acknowledge the interconnectedness of ourselves in a web of intimate relationships with all other beings on our planet Earth. This awareness encourages us to take small steps of sustaining the livelihood of our interdependent relationships.

An universal connection filled with love and harmony with ourselves and other beings can happen through tea brewing and drinking, which we coined the phenomenon as “茶人合一“ (Cha Ren He Yi) Oneness with Tea or UNITEA.

Oneness with Tea

Through brewing, we connect with the tea leaves in an intimate way. We enter an introspective journey by paying attention to our bodily responses as we sip our tea with intention and mindfulness, as if we become one with our tea leaves.


Oneness with Nature

Our tea leaves take us on a mystical journey faraway to our tea gardens on mist-covered slopes in Nantou, Taiwan. At high altitudes with alpine weather conditions, the environment is especially clean and pure so our tea plants have all the time to grow mindfully and healthily.

Oneness with UNITEA

Through sipping our teas, we choose to either connect with ourselves in quietude and serenity or with others to celebrate vibrancy and togetherness. Like music, tea holds all that magic to unite the hearts and does not divide.

“We envision a world where tea can bring diverse people together in harmony and unity (UNITEA).